Faculty Senate Councils and Committees

Faculty Senate councils will report to the senate Executive Board and will be guided by its recommendations and actions.


Faculty Senate councils:

  • will oversee and coordinate the activities of the committees under the council; they will review and may revise resolutions and proposals prior to consideration by the Executive Board
  • will ensure that issues are adequately prepared and that integrated policy proposals are submitted to the Executive Board for senate action in a timely manner
  • will keep agenda and minutes of their activities and periodically deliver them to the office secretary for posting on the senate website; will see that the committees under the council keep adequate records of their activities and of the texts of their resolutions and other documents
  • will provide written reports to the Executive Board and the Faculty Senate annually (or more often if requested by the senate president) on the activities of the council and of the committees reporting to it


Executive Board

Honorary Degree Committee


Academic Affairs Council

Academic Standards and Admissions Committee
Curriculum Committee
Outcomes Assessment Committee
Student Affairs Committee
US Cultures and Communities Committee
Graduate Faculty Cabinet


Faculty Development and Administrative Relations Council

Facilities and Educational Resources Committee
Recognition and Development Committee
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee


Governance Council

Committee on Committees
Senate Documents Committee
College and Departmental Document Review Committee


Judiciary and Appeals Council

Appeals Committee


Resource Policies and Allocations Council

Faculty Compensation Committee
Business and Finance Committee
Research Planning and Policy Committee
Information Technology Committee