Faculty Senate

Executive Board Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2004 | 3:00-5:00 p.m.
107 Lab of Mechanics


Present: B Allen (Provost); S. Agarwal (FS President); C. Baldwin (FS President-Elect); S. Carlson (Provost's Office); S. Crase (FDAR Council Chair); J. Girton (RPA Chair); C. Heising (Engineering Caucus Chair); G. Palermo (Academic Affairs Council Chair); J. Maves (Design Caucus Chair); G. Phye (Education Caucus Chair); B. Robinson (Judiciary and Appeals Council Chair); E. Thacker (Vet Med Caucus Chair); D. Vrchota (Governance Council Chair); T. Zanish-Belcher (FS Secretary)

Absent: B. Yang (Agriculture Caucus Chair); B. Mennecke (Business Caucus Chair); Anne Marie Fiore (Family and Consumer Sciences Caucus Chair); A. Van Der Valk (Liberal Arts and Sciences Caucus Chair)

Call to Order - 3:10 p.m.

Agarwal called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.

Introductions - 3:10 p.m.

The group introduced themselves.

Consent Agenda - 3:10 p.m.


Minutes, Executive Board, April 20, 2004

Girton moved, Phye seconded and the consent agenda was approved.

Announcements and Remarks - 3:15 p.m.


Agarwal welcomed the new and old members. He is still compiling reports from the successful spring conference. He met with President Geoffroy and discussed the budget situation, especially in regards to raises, it looks like we will be in the red. Will result in cuts in the colleges, especially in regards to faculty lines.

Phye noted there was no overall strategy, but each college handles it on its own. Difficult to see full picture. Majority of money is in salaries. Palermo noted the tendency to delete open lines, a chipping away at permanent faculty. Tenured faculty are not expendable, and so you rely on P & S, graduate assistants, not tenure line hires. Also, relates to the NTT numbers given at the last FS meeting by the Provost.

Agarwal asked what the FS can do? Girton noted we don't have a lot of facts, so how can we make recommendations? Teaching loads remain the same even if the faculty leave, or are promoted into administration. Girton suggested Council go over the departments who are heavily relying on NTT teaching, so see what is really going on with specifics?

Carlson noted the Provost's Office did ask some questions of the departments, and some did respond in detail. She would be glad to share these responses. Carlson noted Bloedel's suggestion to fund faculty positions with soft money. Palermo noted that this might be possible with high-end research, but not everywhere. Maves recommended that a complete campus survey of all 60 departments be completed. Palermo asked about College numbers and whether anyone was below 15%. The numbers were not calculated that way, but Carlson said some probably are.

The group also noted the tendency for Deans to make budget decisions without faculty input. Going to soft money is not an answer. Our quality is being lowered.

Carlson noted the data is available from Institutional Research, but the questions need to be specific. Agarwal plans to form a Task Force to look at this issue.


No announcement from the President-Elect. S. Agarwal will be gone through June 21, and Baldwin will be charge during that time period. Palermo asked about funding for the spring conference. Agarwal did not spend much at the past conference, so some funding may be available. Agarwal said he received comments about liking the feeling of a “faculty academy.”


No remarks from the Provost's office.

V. Governance Issues (Denise Vrchota) -3:45 p.m.

A. Procedures

B. Handbook Committee

A copy of by-laws has been sent to the Executive Board membership, as well as the Procedures for Councils, such as electing a president and secretary. Copies of minutes, agendas, and other documents should be sent to both Tanya Zanish-Belcher (FS Secretary) and Sherri Angstrom (Office Secretary).

Councils should meet at least once in the fall and has also sent a checklist to Caucus chairs and distributed a chart laying out the Faculty Senate Committee Structure.

As Past President chairs the Handbook Committee, and Jack is chairing a council, should we look for someone else? Vrchota noted that in 2005, the Governance documents need to be reviewed, starting January 2005, and also conduct a census of the faculty to determine at-large Senator positions. Girton agreed to continue as needed.

VI. Review of Council Agendas for the year -4:00 p.m.

Report from each Council chair about old and new business

Academic Affairs:

Noted recent report that has been sent, and revisions for the catalog are coming through FS Curriculum Committee. The temporary enrollment language will take awhile to review. There will also be an international perspectives and diversity review with questions about the review of courses, enriched objectives, assessment based—the guidelines should be forthcoming. ISUComm currently includes 27 courses. Principles will be included in the catalog, but we need to call for the Colleges to approve.

The Provost arrived near the end of this discussion.

Procedural issue: the signing of add/drop slips, in-person appt. should be left out as a convenience. There will also be a review of academic probation, probably not done in time for the fall.

Agarwal noted he has received a request concerning students about having 3 exams on one day. Requires explicit explanation from the faculty to the student, should the burden be part of the faculty, or in the student handbook?

There was a brief discussion relating to making the catalog available online as part of the new Policy Library. It would be important to have an electronic archive for the catalog to make it available to students, in addition to a permanent, paper copy.

Judiciary and Appeals:

Ford's final report has been sent and cases will be heard this year. The report of the Promotion & Tenure Procedural Review Task Force will also impact on J & A. This has been discussed with President Geoffroy, and he is very concerned about issues and problems such as double voting. The Task Force will make recommendations.

There is still need for policy relating to alternative appointment policy, currently nothing handled in the Handbook

University Resources and Policy Allocations:

Has met, trying to develop planning based on the council's mission. Will try and review budget process and impact of cuts over the past several years. Would like to look at how to prepare for next budget cycle, and hopes to provide both short term and long term advice. Will look at trends and ways to convert strategic plan into budget action.

Palermo asked about the status of differential tuition, is RPA involved in this discussion, and how does it involve strategic plan and budget? Allen hopes by the end of the summer, there will be a white paper, laying out a budget model—multi-year planning, integrating the experiment station and extension into the university, differential tuition, for the community to respond to. Past cuts have been random, previous strategic plan was more of an umbrella document, did not provide guidelines. How do we have these discussions without wearing people out?

There is a need for institutional memory—a need for am educated faculty group, without having to relearn everything. The Board discussed issues relating to the general education fund supporting the experiment station and extension—this is a very big issue.


Would like to examine how the university is governed and the costs of transactions. Content and process are both needed, and many times we don't have both. Governance will look at these issues, possibly disseminated, in taking care of non-disciplinary business.

For example, the Council will follow an issue through university channels. How does FS policy (administrative support)—go through President, how does it travel to Deans, Dept. chairs, etc.?

How do we effect change?

The Board also discussed the lack of faculty input for hiring administrators—official mechanism, what should FS do in these situations? The Associate Provost position was used as an example, there has been ad hoc handling of the situation. There is a need for an official Senate role with actual participation.

Vrchota also recommended the creation of a database of Senate business that would record previous resolutions. This could be used by Committee and Task Force Chairs and be available online.

Vrchota also noted the need to continue working on the Old Faculty Values Network conflict of interest policy. J & A did send something in, but can't remember what has happened to it.

Finally, Governance is gearing up for review of documents and the Faculty Census.

It was also noted the President-Elect is Chair of the Committee on Committees.

There was a brief discussion related to the Recruitment and Retention of Women and Minorities Report and the Faculty Senate responses to it from the Faculty Development and Administration Relations Council and FS Committee on Women and Minorities subcommittee. It was agreed the 2 reports should be made available on the website and it was also recommended that S. Crase, as Chair of FDAR, work with the Provost's Office.

Baldwin moved, and Robinson seconded that reports received by the Executive Board be posted within 1 week on the Faculty Senate website. Palermo raised the issue of confidentiality.

VII. Summer Retreat (August 11)

Format and Agenda

VIII. Summer EB Meetings

Date and Time

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.



June 29, 2004 3:10 -5:00

107 Lab of Mechanics