Faculty Senate

Executive Board Meeting Minutes
April 05, 2005 | 3:00-5:00 p.m.
107 Lab of Mechanics

Present: S. Agarwal (FS President); B Allen (Provost); C. Baldwin (FS President-Elect); S. Crase (FDAR Council Chair); J. Girton (Past-President & RPA Chair); C. Heising (Engineering Caucus Chair); D. Holger (Assoc. Provost); J. Maves (Design Caucus Chair); B. Mennecke (Business Caucus Chair); G. Palermo (Academic Affairs Council Chair); B. Robinson (Judiciary and Appeals Council Chair); E. Thacker (Vet Med Caucus Chair); D. Vrchota (Governance Council Chair); T. Zanish-Belcher (FS Secretary)

Absent: A.M. Fiore (Family and Consumer Sciences Caucus Chair); G. Phye (Education Caucus Chair); A. Van Der Valk (LAS Caucus Chair); Yang, B. (Agriculture Caucus Chair)

Guest: B. Woodman, Chair of the University Professor Committee

Call to Order - 3:10 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m.

Consent Agenda - 3:10 p.m.


Minutes, Executive Board, March 22, 2005

Maves recommended one minor correction to the minutes - "U.S. and International Diversity Requirements."

Girton moved, Robinson seconded, and the consent agenda was approved.

Special Items

A. University Professor - Recommendations from Committee Bill Woodman

Girton moved, Crase seconded, and the Executive Board went into Executive Session. B. Woodman reported on the Committee's four nominations for the award of University Professor.

The Executive Board discussed the criteria, particularly the issue of being a "change agent." Girton moved, Maves seconded to forward the recommendations to the Provost, expressing its opinion.

Regents' Awards - Recommendations from Committee Barry Falk

Regents Faculty Excellence Award: The Executive Board reviewed the report from the Chair of the Faculty Senate Professional Recognition and Development Committee with six nominations.

Robinson moved, Heising seconded, to forward this recommendation to the Provost with approval.

Palermo moved, Crase seconded to move the Executive Board out of Executive Session.


Announcements and Remarks - 3:15 p.m.


Agarwal thanked Baldwin and the Committee for the recent Faculty Spring Conference.

The President recently reported that the legislature had gone up to 12 million (out of 20), with a salary bill coming later. Palermo asked how this will impact supplemental tuition and funding for faculty salaries, and also asked about the merit increases as an unfunded mandate.


Baldwin reported that the conference will be available on CD, and copies of specific presentations on Powerpoint are also available.

May 25 is the date for the retreat for the President and the Provost.

Executive Board meeting will be on May 3 where the discussion will focus on issues for the future.


The Provost plans to report on the results of promotion and tenure, updated information on Non Tenure Track teaching percentages in the departments, and an update on faculty conduct policy.

Council Reports

A. Academic Affairs

Palermo reported and distributed two documents:

One: This 2 page document requested the requirement for the Biology minor to have a C- or higher in all of the courses that contribute to the minor. There are at least six instances already existing at the university. The Council approves this request and forwards it on to the Executive Board.

Robinson moved, Crase seconded to forward this to the Faculty Senate for a vote. The Executive Board approved.

Next year, the Council would like to look at differing grade point average requirements through the university.

The second document is a new degree proposal: to Restructure Graduate Nutrition Degrees at Iowa State University. There is high support from the departmental faculty and the new degree would have the following:

Establish a new interdepartmental degrees program in Nutritional Sciences

2. Establish new optional specializations within the degrees:

Animal Nutrition

Human Nutrition

Global Nutrition

Molecular and Cellular Nutrition

3. Drop existing degrees in Animal Nutrition (Animal Science) and Nutrition (Food Science & Human Nutrition) graduate degree programs

Girton moved, Robinson seconded to forward this proposal to the Senate for consideration.

Palermo will ask Diane Birt to make a presentation being clear about the resources needed (especially for new positions). The Provost concurred, particularly in regards to the Deans and central administration. The Provost also needs to know what programs will be given up, and how would a potential PhD program fit into this? There are also additional issues to be discussed. The Provost is concerned that if the Faculty Senate approves it, there will be expectations that it will be fully funded.

The Board discussed and concurred that this is conditional approval, not a mandate to expend the funds. It is simply a recommendation to the Provost.

The Executive Board approved.


In regards to the motion recently passed by the Senate, the Executive Board needs to consider the requests from Animal Science and Construction Engineering. This request will be considered under Old Business. Baldwin recommended the Departments submit updated requests.

FDAR also presented some recommendations in regards to the Subvention Grants Program proposal.

The language revisions limit manuscripts to topics focused on the state of Iowa and the surrounding region. It is open to faculty, as long as they are full-time, however, the funding will not cover the cost of writing.

The recommendation will be sent back to the Vice President for Research Office. Agarwal suggested that the Executive Board take some time to examine this revised policy.

C. Governance

At the last Faculty Senate meeting, the revised policy for the Distinguished and University Professorships was tabled. Vrchota questioned this. Holger noted that the Committee for the University Professor wanted to schedule its discussion in regards to the policy.

Vrchota reminded the Caucus Chairs that they need to know who the Caucus Chairs are for next year.

Vrchota presented a proposal regarding a Governance Proposal for a Committee for Oversight of Academic Reorganization. This Committee will report directly to the Executive Board.

MOTION: The Faculty Senate Council on Governance proposes a new standing committee, the charge of which is to provide oversight for academic reorganizations in accordance with the “Policy for the Reorganization of Academic Units.” The committee charge will become part of the Faculty Senate by-laws.


TITLE: Committee for Oversight of Academic Reorganization

CHARGE: Executes the Faculty Senate's required role to monitor all phases of academic reorganization as covered by the Policy for Academic Reorganization. The Committee for Oversight of Academic Reorganization will report to the Faculty Senate Executive Board.

MEMBERSHIP - VOTING: The voting members of the committee will be the chair and one member representing each college. Members with a conflict of interest on a particular reorganization will recuse themselves from voting.

NON VOTING: The Faculty Senate President.

Palermo asked about the ad hoc committee, and why that didn't work. Vrchota stated that with many possible reorganizations, it was decided a standing committee would be better. Palermo asked why it can't be a task force?

Agarwal noted that the ad hoc methods often falls on the Executive Board and that it can be difficult to find college representatives for an ad hoc committee. This committee will act if called on, but will have agreed to serve in advance. They will need to be prepared to take action quickly and will also be looking at follow up and reviews.

Girton moved, Heising seconded, and the motion was forwarded to the Senate.

D. J&A

There was no report from Judiciary and Appeals.


There was no report from Resource Policy and Allocations.

Approval of the Agenda for the Faculty Senate Meeting-April 12, 2005.

Agarwal went over the additions to the agenda.

Girton moved, Robinson seconded, and the agenda was approved.

Adjourn - 5:00 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 5 p.m.



April 19, 2004 3:10 -5:00

107 Lab of Mechanics