Faculty Senate

Executive Board Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2005 | 3:00-5:00 p.m.
107 Lab of Mechanics

Present: S. Agarwal (FS President); B Allen (Provost); C. Baldwin (FS President-Elect); S. Carlson (Assoc. Provost); S. Crase (FDAR Council Chair); A.M. Fiore (Family and Consumer Sciences Caucus Chair); J. Girton (Past-President & RPA Chair); J. Maves (Design Caucus Chair); G. Palermo (Academic Affairs Council Chair); G. Phye (Education Caucus Chair); B. Robinson (Judiciary and Appeals Council Chair); D. Vrchota (Governance Council Chair); T. Zanish-Belcher (FS Secretary)


Absent: C. Heising (Engineering Caucus Chair); B. Mennecke (Business Caucus Chair); E. Thacker (Vet Med Caucus Chair); A. Van Der Valk (LAS Caucus Chair); Yang, B. (Agriculture Caucus Chair)


Guest: B. Dillon (Ames Tribune)

Call to Order - 3:10 p.m.


Consent Agenda - 3:10 p.m.



Minutes, Executive Board, January 25, 2005

Robinson moved, Girton seconded and the consent agenda was approved.

Announcements and Remarks - 3:15 p.m.



Agarwal has asked ISU Chief Information Officer Jim Davis to present to the Senate at its April meeting. The Athletics Council representative, Paula Morrow, will also present to the Senate sometime in the spring.

As Robinson had to leave, he updated the group on the changes in regards to the late information issue for promotion and tenure. The concern about communicating with the candidate has been added to the language. The Executive Board agreed to accept the suggested change (except for the last 2 sentences). Girton moved, Baldwin seconded, and the motion will be brought to the floor of the Senate.



Baldwin reported on the Spring conference, which will be held April 1-2. There will be 3 segments on climate, faculty life and betterment with keynote speakers and panels.

May 25 has been scheduled for the Executive Board retreat with the President and the Provost.


The Provost reported that the budget discussions are being continued, and he is hopeful that the Partnership for Transformational Excellence will go forward. If not, they are also working on procedures for supplemental tuition. The Provost noted that there will be a 4 year plan, but not necessarily 4 year funding.



Palermo asked if the Board could discuss the electronic distance education strategic plan. The plan involved Extension, but not any faculty. Palermo felt there should have been faculty involvement and is concerned that the plan may be out of context to larger strategic plan.

Agarwal felt the original request was not for a strategic plan, but for a "state of affairs."

Provost feels we should focus on inter-institutional cooperation, market assessment, and context. The Council of Provosts (COPs) will look at this, and decide what to do with it. There may be some type of submission to a Board of Regents committee. There definitely needs to be more thorough discussion or context for the report.

The Provost also reported on other changes related to the Board of Regents reorganization, including the Provosts at the 3 institutions having more work and responsibility. They will now make proposals to the BOR committee on education and student affairs.

Will there be any change in faculty input on curricular or academic program issues? The Provost responded no. However, while the BOR will still approve curricular changes, they will deal more with the plans (as opposed to specific changes). He doesn't exactly know how this work, but faculty will still be involved. There will be a need to balance faculty efforts with the larger inter-institutional planning. What will the process of vetting be? The Provost sees the institutions focusing on areas of curriculum as opposed to precise curriculum.

Palermo commented that this would put pressure on the cooperative relationship between the Provosts and the institutions.

Agarwal also noted that the COPs group also includes the 3 Faculty Senate presidents.

The Provost also noted that the distance education report should have come after the universities completed their strategic plans. Agarwal said he thinks the report should not go to the BOR, but should include a market assessment.


Old Business


A. Changes to Handbook reg P&T Process-J&A

See discussion above.

Miscellaneous changes in Handbook reg Evaluation of NTE Faculty-Governance

Vrchota reported on the status of this, which was pulled by Palermo from the Consent Agenda at the last Faculty Senate. She responded to each of the issues raised by Palermo during the Faculty Senate meeting. This is how she will present it to the Senate:


Yes, this motion came to the Senate through the Governance Council


In regards to the time frame, this language was approved by the Senate in Feb. 2004 and has been in the handbook. Palermo said his question mainly related to any subsequent changes.


She also noted that this was merely changing language around in the handbook, in order to organize it better.



In regards to footnote #2 and whether the changes are editorial or substantial. Palermo noted this caught his attention due to the FDAR request in regards to the title of Adjunct Instructor. Should we hold off due to these additional discussions?

Agarwal noted that changes in policy will be discussed separately and this will need to be made clear to the Senate.

This will be reintroduced to the Senate under old Business.

New Business




Governance Council

Vrchota then reported on the Proposal for modification of for the titles of Distinguished and University Professor. The purpose of revision was to ensure that they were considered independent forms of recognition. An introductory paragraph has also been added.

The Executive Board then discussed the following issue raised by Palermo that this policy is inconsistent with our promotion and tenure policy, in regards to scholarship related to teaching or professional practice.


The Executive Board agreed that the focus for the University Professor should be on changing the discipline. But, there must also be more than changing the field, candidates should be viewed in a holistic context. They must also contribute elsewhere in the university through their performance.


They must have a substantive contribution in other areas of faculty responsibility.

Some recommended revisions: Above all else candidates must have made significant contributions in their scholarship through research, professional practice, and teaching. They must also have had a significant impact or improved the quality of the discipline. In addition, there should also be outstanding performance in one other area of faculty responsibility. Vrchota will revise and bring back to the Executive Board.

Girton moved, Baldwin seconded to extend the meeting by 15 minutes.

The Provost noted that hiring a professor and possibly bringing them in as a Distinguished Professor shouldn't infringe on our procedures. He really feels this should be a limited number of individuals.



Crase distributed documents related to the issues FDAR is handling:

Professional development opportunities for untenured faculty

Change to Faculty Handbook Concerning Adjunct Instructor

The Executive Board will consider these at a March 1 meeting. The agenda for the Faculty Senate will also be approved at that time,


Council Reports


A. Academic Affairs


C. Governance

D. J&A


VII. Approval of the Agenda for the Faculty Senate Meeting-March 8, 2005.

Adjourn - 5:00 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m and will meet again on March 1, 2005; 3:10-5:00 p.m.




March 01, 2004 3:10 -5:00

107 Lab of Mechanics