Faculty Senate

Executive Board Meeting Minutes
January 04, 2005 | 3:00-5:00 p.m.
107 Lab of Mechanics

Present: S. Agarwal (FS President); B Allen (Provost); C. Baldwin (FS President-Elect); S. Carlson (Assoc. Provost); S. Crase (FDAR Council Chair); A.M. Fiore (Family and Consumer Sciences Caucus Chair); J. Girton (Past-President & RPA Chair); C. Heising (Engineering Caucus Chair); D. Holger (Assoc. Provost); B. Mennecke (Business Caucus Chair); G. Palermo (Academic Affairs Council Chair); G. Phye (Education Caucus Chair); B. Robinson (Judiciary and Appeals Council Chair); E. Thacker (Vet Med Caucus Chair); D. Vrchota (Governance Council Chair); T. Zanish-Belcher (FS Secretary)

Absent: J. Maves (Design Caucus Chair); A. Van Der Valk (LAS Caucus Chair); Yang, B. (Agriculture Caucus Chair)

Guests: W. Dillon (Ames Tribune)

Call to Order - 3:10 p.m.

Agarwal called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.

Consent Agenda - 3:10 p.m.


Minutes, Executive Board, November 30, 2004

Girton moved, Heising seconded, and the consent agenda was approved.

Announcements and Remarks - 3:15 p.m.


President Agarwal made the following announcements:

Dan Saftig will speak to the Faculty Senate at the upcoming meeting.

Honorary degree nominations are due by January 10. While these degrees have traditionally been academics only, President Geoffroy would like to expand the pool.

The Regents Excellence Award will now carry an award of $1,000.

The Provost has sent out a call for Faculty and Staff awards.


Baldwin has no announcements.

Palermo asked about the Spring Faculty Conference. There will be a meeting next week to discuss potential topics. The date will scheduled in April and the conference will be held in the Memorial Union.


Provost Allen made the following announcements about continuing issues in his office:

The new Dean of Engineering

Budget issues continue of importance, particularly if new funds need to be reallocated

Promotion and tenure

Strategic plan

The combination of the two colleges

Palermo asked about how the colleges are handling implementation of the strategic plan. The Executive Board then discussed the role of the Faculty Senate Caucus and its relationship to College Deans.

Old Business


The ISU Strategic Plan is currently on the Faculty Senate agenda for approval. Agarwal will present the document for any kind of commentary or conceptual impact. The document itself cannot be edited. The Senate should look at it on the whole.

New Business

A. Request from Department of Construction Engineering to allow them to recruit PhD students and appoint them as lecturers-FDAR

This new rule would focus on those individuals working in industry with experience. The Dept. would like them to get PhDs and at the same time use them as lecturers. Currently the document does not allow this. Some precedence does exist (Vet Med) but they are called Adjunct Instructors. Thus, FDAR is recommending the Dept. follow this precedent.

Carlson noted that there is a similar request from Animal Science. Palermo asked about the criteria of academic progress. Crase and Girton noted they would fall under the regular contract review.

Phye brought up the following issues: proliferation of titles across Colleges that does not allow for oversight and constant redefinition of faculty.

Girton noted the official appointment aspect needs to be stressed. The Senate needs to approve each instance, so that departments can't simply bring in any graduate students and have them function as faculty.

There are larger concerns of equity for other disciplines, Palermo noted.

The language currently reads: “Adjunct instructor: DVM or post MS students in specific departments for a limited number of PhD students with business, industry, and government experience. Must be approved by Faculty Senate and the Provost.”

Motion for adding this language in the handbook, and the Handbook Committee will figure it out.

The Executive Board approved this plan of action and motion.

B. Changes to Handbook-J&A


The Judiciary and Appeals Council reported on recommended changes to the Handbook.

The language concerning the Ombudsperson office will continue to be discussed.

The Executive Board then spent time discussing Revision A1: non-mandatory cases (early tenure cases, final year reviews)

The recommended changes state that late development information must be considered. If information

is available before a decision is made, it must be considered. This must be received before the final decision is made.

Palermo noted that there needs to at least be a statement in relation to review.

The Executive Board then discussed the additional information and its role in the tenure decision. While it cannot be grounds for appeal, but the faculty member appeal if it is not considered

The Provost made the following comments, as revision A1 has been discussed with Deans. The assumption is that people will use the best judgment possible. There may be equity issues, as everyone does know the rules. Second guessing is possible, and this “additional information” should not diminish peer reviews. “Bad” information should also be considered.

There are also logistical issues in terms of departmental, college, and university deadlines.

The Executive Board agreed that the language needs to be developed further. There is a real need for consistent guidelines.

Memorial Resolutions

There are to be 5 individuals to be presented at the upcoming Faculty Senate meeting. The Executive Board agreed they should be presented to the Senate.

Council Reports

A. Academic Affairs

The Academic Affairs Council, in the future, will be discussing possible revisions for a unified academic probation with the goal being a more uniform policy. There will also be a Program Review of the US Diversity and International Perspectives.


FDAR reported on a question in regards to the NTT faculty. Is there an increment to be given to NTT faculty at the time of their advancement? FDAR said yes, and forwarded this to the Executive Board.

Girton asked if this is a “track?” Palermo said yes, that would certainly be the lecturers' perception. Crase stated that it would be fair and equitable for these employees. Palermo asked how this is different from Promotion and Tenure? Baldwin responded to the need for a positive evaluation (as opposed to the promotion and tenure process).

The Executive Board approved the proposal, with one abstention.

C. Governance

The Governance Council reported on the recommended changes in the handbook language. Since there is no substantive change (to remain consistent with language in other areas) the motion will be to approve and forward to the Faculty Senate to be included in the agenda.

The Executive Board decided to continue this discussion at its next meeting.

D. J&A

The Ombudsperson advice has been rendered and the Executive Board will further discuss at nextmeeting.


There was no report from RPA.

VII. Approval of the Agenda for the Faculty Senate Meeting-January 11, 2005.

Some revisions to the agenda included special orders for the memorial resolutions and the election of the President-Elect.

New business will include everything approved by the Executive Board.

Girton moved, Heising seconded, and the Executive Board approved the agenda.

Adjourn - 5:00 p.m.

The Executive Board adjourned at 5:00 p.m.



January 25, 2004 3:10 -5:00

107 Lab of Mechanics