Faculty Senate

Executive Board Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2004 | 3:00-5:00 p.m.
107 Lab of Mechanics


Present: S. Agarwal (FS President); B Allen (Provost); C. Baldwin (FS President-Elect); S. Carlson (Assoc. Provost); S. Crase (FDAR Council Chair); A.M. Fiore (Family and Consumer Sciences Caucus Chair); J. Girton (Past-President & RPA Chair); C. Heising (Engineering Caucus Chair); D. Holger (Assoc. Provost); J. Maves (Design Caucus Chair); G. Palermo (Academic Affairs Council Chair); G. Phye (Education Caucus Chair); B. Robinson (Judiciary and Appeals Council Chair); E. Thacker (Vet Med Caucus Chair); A. Van Der Valk (Liberal Arts and Sciences Caucus Chair); D. Vrchota (Governance Council Chair); T. Zanish-Belcher (FS Secretary);

Absent: B. Yang (Agriculture Caucus Chair); B. Mennecke (Business Caucus Chair)

Guests: B. Dillon (Ames Tribune); K. Saunders and M. Mendelson for ISUComm

Call to Order - 3:10 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m.

Consent Agenda - 3:10 p.m.


Minutes, Executive Board, August 31, 2004

Agarwal moved that ISUComm be moved up earlier in the agenda.

Girton moved, Crase seconded, and the consent agenda was approved.

Old Business

A. ISU Comm Proposal

The charge for ISUComm was to create a pilot project, assess, and report the results to the Faculty Senate. ISUComm will extend to all undergraduates. The committee has appeared before every college curriculum committee (more than once, in some cases).

Palermo reported on behalf of the Academic Affairs Council. While there were some minor revisions for the report, it was passed unanimously by the Council. The Council endorses the report and forwards it to the Faculty Senate for approval.

In the Council's discussions, there were some concerns over logistics such as transfers, community colleges, workshops, and ESL students. There were also questions about the role of the faculty/departments.

Van der Valk questioned whether this was a significant change. Mendelson responded that there will be two courses with substantive changes as there will be a shift from written communication to WOVe (integrated instruction in Written, Oral, Verbal, Electronic communication). There will be an emphasis on civic and cultural themes, learning communities, cluster groups, and an electronic portfolio the students can utilize during their career at Iowa State.


Mendelson noted that ISU will be the first in the country to implement a program of this type. It will be a University-wide program and will greatly enhance communication instruction.

Van der Valk also noted that current teaching is by beginning graduate students—are not particularly well qualified

Mendelson responded that based on the assessments, there were definite improvements. He also mentioned that in the future, there will be a training focus.

Crase asked how the training will be integrated. Mendelson said there would be a stipend offered to attend workshops. They are inventing this, as there are no models to depend upon.

Phye suggested a lecturer assessment that would look at implementation of the techniques.

Agarwal asked about the issue of integrating transfer students. Mendelson said the community colleges are receptive to working with ISU

Agarwal commended Mendelson for all his hard work over the past 5 years.

As the motion has come from the Academic Affairs Council, the Executive Board approved its forwarding to the Faculty Senate.

Announcements and Remarks - 3:15 p.m.


Board of Regents meeting:

Agarwal reported on the Board of Regents meeting he attended. The Governor spoke and focused on education for K-12, pre-school, the efficiencies of high schools, and the communication between schools and the different levels of expectation. There also needs to be a focus on science and math.

The Faculty Activity Report for ISU was discussed, and the current average is 58.2 hours. It is self-reported, but the Board endorsed the credibility of the numbers.

The 4 year budget proposal was discussed, and President Geoffroy will present on this topic at the next Faculty Senate meeting.

There was also discussion of tuition increases, faculty salary reports (fairly low when compared to peers), and student enrollment issues.

Faculty Senate Administration:

Agarwal plans to focus on shared governance with the various administrative offices on campus, including new Research (currently ad hoc) and IT committees (to work with Jim Davis, the new Chief Information Officer).


Baldwin reported on the reorganizations and the work of the Task Force.

The merger of Family and Consumer Sciences and Education is continuing. The proposal will be out by Oct. 18 and the faculty will then vote. The task force will then distribute a survey on the process, and the results will be available prior on the Faculty Senate web page.

Baldwin then reported on another issue. She was approached by a faculty member who claimed there was a departmental merger which had been going on for 2 years. Baldwin asked for the Executive Board's feelings on the issue. Should we evaluate regardless of the time frame?

This is in reference to an administrative merger between the Department of Community and Regional Planning and Landscape Architecture (College of Design).

Phye feels this is a situation for an ombudsperson, how should the Faculty Senate respond to this situation, especially with they are approached by individuals.

Palermo disagreed with the complaint of the lack of communication over this department reorganization. The College (based on budget reversion) eliminated one chair for savings and an assessment will be forthcoming. It was voted on by both faculties and the college. There was a task force, hearings from the faculty and a vote.

The Executive Board did feel it raised a larger policy issue. How should the Faculty Senate determine the difference between an administrative combination as opposed to a departmental merger? Agarwal asked if this was an actual reorganization.

Girton noted this all related to intent. How does the Faculty Senate respond to queries? We may need a permanent group as part of a council or committee. Task forces may not be the best manner by which to handle these situations and we also need a mechanism by which to obtain information.

The Executive Board then discussed the elements of an actual reorganization, and the issue of faculty voice. Do we respond to everyone? Palermo suggested a direct inquiry to the Chair and the Dean. In this most recent situation (which occurred three years ago) there are currently internal and external review is going on. The Provost noted that it was dangerous to try and apply policies to reorganizations prior to the existence of the new policy.

Agarwal noted that shared leadership does not necessarily fall under the category or reorganization. Baldwin stated that it might happen again however and noted it did have a change in the leadership structure and hierarchy. Occurred temporarily, but may now be formalized.

Girton said the policy was to foster communication between the administration and the faculty.

Provost believes there are a number of hybrid departmental organizations with a wide spectrum of arrangements. He thinks it is a judgment call, but there should definitely be faculty input. There needs to be discussion ahead of time, particularly in regards to hiring and firing, and the promotion and tenure process.


The Provost also reported on the Board of Regents meeting, and how the proposed budget changes will alter how we do things. There will be internal reallocation based on how much money from the state.


The process is being discussed but it needs to be based on trust and we will need to have a documented system

The reallocation (based on the $28 million given to the Regents) is tied to enrollment and incentives must be part of the process. Departments will not start from a level playing field and we also need qualitative goals based on principles. We will also need to adjust to the concept of 4 year budget plans.

The gains will be different for different areas. Palermo asked if certain areas would left without funding for the 4 years based on the strategic plan. The Provost responded that many options are still on the table.

The Executive Board then approved the agenda for the next Faculty Senate meeting.

VII. Adjourn—5:00 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.



October 26, 2004 3:10 -5:00

107 Lab of Mechanics