Faculty Senate

Executive Board Meeting Minutes
August 31, 2004 | 3:00-5:00 p.m.
107 Lab of Mechanics


Present: S. Agarwal (FS President); C. Baldwin (FS President-Elect); J. Girton (Past-President & RPA Chair); C. Heising (Engineering Caucus Chair); G. Palermo (Academic Affairs Council Chair); J. Maves (Design Caucus Chair); G. Phye (Education Caucus Chair); B. Robinson (Judiciary and Appeals Council Chair); Margo Holland substituting for E. Thacker (Vet Med Caucus Chair); A. Van Der Valk (Liberal Arts and Sciences Caucus Chair); B Allen (Provost); S. Carlson (Assoc. Provost)

Absent: B. Yang (Agriculture Caucus Chair); B. Mennecke (Business Caucus Chair); Anne Marie Fiore (Family and Consumer Sciences Caucus Chair); S. Crase (FDAR Council Chair); D. Vrchota (Governance Council Chair); T. Zanish-Belcher (FS Secretary)

Call to Order - 3:10 p.m.

Agarwal called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.


Consent Agenda - 3:10 p.m.


Minutes, Executive Board, July 27, 2004

Consent agenda was approved.

Announcements and Remarks - 3:15 p.m.


1. Retreat with president & provost. List of questions was submitted prior to the retreat. a) President discussed changes in the Board of Regents (BoR); BoR president Forsyth changing approach to relations with the state legislature and government office holders. President Geoffroy will discuss these at Convocation; and will present to the Senate in October. b) Some discussion of the grad tuition issue - modification of the policy is being addressed for future projects; fac sen committee to work with provost office on this (J. Bloedel; D. Holger likely participants) on impact in research grants. c) NTT teaching & TT faculty going `off-line' - sentiment was that this should be prevented; need to continue the discussion (Susan Carlson likely provost representative)

2. Jim Davis, new CIO looking for advisory committee on IT issues; senate to provide assistance with nominating members. Caucus chairs to suggest faculty members - need not be senate members.

3. Task force reviewing vp finance Warren Madden. Needs help in three areas: business & finance, facilities, services, Faculty Senate adding 6 people to assist the main committee - members were selected over the summer.

4. Merger of FCS & ED continuing. Faculty Senate Task Force monitoring each.

5. NTT teaching ratios report. Fall 2003 revised and distributed for info. Prepared report 8/11 was recalculated from May report to the Senate. Joint departments calculation error (3 departments dropped below the limit as a result) and statistical comparison brought into conformance (increases Fall 02 by 0.3%); compares 2002 and 2003. available on-line for review.

6. Clark Ford chairing P&T Process Review Task Force - looking at documents of the colleges and departments for equity in process: voting, what counts, mid-term advising, etc. Some other issues to be reviewed in the main policy. FDAR to look at the policy itself.

7. Dinner with university Academic Leadership on Sept. 2nd. anticipating good attendance



1. Faculty case that went to Regents was resolved in favor of the faculty member. Although the person has left the university, the general guidelines from the BoR are: a) ISU to reinstate the person, b) provide another opportunity to be reviewed; c) counsel the person on what they need to do for the review. Discussion regarding effective timeline for case consideration and length of reinstatement.

2. Indus Ed & Bio Syst Eng reorganization has been completed as of July 1, 04. Eng, Ed, Ag. colleges resolved resource, student, space allocations. From new dept. perspective seems to be equitable and working at the outset.


1. Review of the possible merger of FCS and Ed moving ahead.

2. Task Force Report on Small Programs, Interdisciplinary Programs, Low Enrollment Courses (dated May 27) presented for review. Initiated from Pres. Budget Advisory committee from 2 years ago. In particular, note that the proposed standards are not mandates! The report clarified a number of issues pertaining to cost effectiveness, service to non-majors, and why certain small enrollment courses might be maintained. Deans need to present value of exceptions to the norms to provost.

3. Budget issues. Jack Girton and Ben Allen working on institution agenda and RPA participation. a) Impact of BoR reallocation concept; b) Budget incentives based upon: external funded contracts indirect cost return; on number of students - majors, or upper division, or grad students, or credit hours; c) tuition planning in multi-year cycles; differential tuition concepts by major or by program. Concerns raised: a) Are incentives to the base and permanent? Could be either to the base or transitory; b) External funded contracts in the aggregate immediately places certain programs at a disadvantage. What are the criteria to be: based upon national competitiveness by area, absolute dollars or changing dynamics of external money resources, etc.? These and other concerns are the things we need to work on this year.

Old Business.

No Old Business was considered at the meeting.

New Business

Strategic Plan 2005-2010

First Draft of the 2005-2010 Strategic Plan dated 8/30/04, and 8/13/04 Strategic Plan Development Schedule were distributed. Both are available on-line. Discussion of the First Draft is on the Agenda for the Faculty Senate meeting Sept. 7th. End of first round of comments is Sept. 17th. After generally complimentary reception to the document and the fact that it opened some new directions for the university, initial comments were in the form of questions/concerns during lively discussion: a) What is the impact/implication of the strong focus on science and technology and transferable technologies on resources and continued excellence in other areas such as the humanities, social sciences, or programs not driven by external funding or practical inventions? Any way you cut it, reallocation in one direction will have an impact in others. Is this a return to the pre-Park days?; The report mentions the humanities and arts on page two and mentions a commitment `to all programs of the university' on page one, but nonetheless the focus of the university is narrowed; b) Is the quality of community college preparation currently commensurate with similar courses at ISU so that `seamless transfer' can truly occur? How do we get there?; c) How do we work with Iowa schools to improve student readiness in the sciences, etc., with out being received as presumptive? What about fostering other areas such as the arts and cultural studies - don't they count? To be continued!


Approved agenda for Sept. 7th Senate meeting. Jack moved; Carolyn seconded; passed unanimously.

VI. Adjournment—5:05 p.m.

Prepared by Gregory Palermo,

Serving as recorder for Secretary Zanish-Belcher



September 28 , 2004 3:10 -5:00

107 Lab of Mechanics