Faculty Senate

Executive Board Meeting Minutes
June 29, 2004 | 3:00-5:00 p.m.
107 Lab of Mechanics

Present: B. Allen (Provost); S. Agarwal (FS President); C. Baldwin (FS President-Elect); S. Carlson (Provost's Office); S. Crase (FDAR Council Chair); J. Girton (RPA Chair); C. Heising (Engineering Caucus Chair); G. Palermo (Academic Affairs Council Chair); J. Maves (Design Caucus Chair); B. Robinson (Judiciary and Appeals Council Chair); A. Van Der Valk (Liberal Arts and Sciences Caucus Chair); D. Vrchota (Governance Council Chair); B. Yang (Agriculture Caucus Chair); T. Zanish-Belcher (FS Secretary)

Absent: A.M. Fiore (Family and Consumer Sciences Caucus Chair); B. Mennecke (Business Caucus Chair); G. Phye (Education Caucus Chair); E. Thacker (Vet Med Caucus Chair)

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m.

Agarwal added two items to the Executive Board agenda: the reorganization recently approved by the Board of Regents (Old Business) and Cultivating Democracy (New Business).

Palermo moved, Robinson seconded, and the consent agenda was approved.

Announcements and Remarks


Agarwal gave a report on the strategic planning process. The committee recently had an all-day retreat, and the facilitating committee is meeting weekly throughout the summer. There will be another all committee meeting in August, and after that, materials will be distributed for campus input. For additional information on the strategic planning process, please see the website:


There is currently one appeals case with the Board of Regents. They are still investigating, and will have a final decision at their next meeting in August.


Baldwin has no announcements. Palermo asked whether or not there would be funding for a spring faculty conference or retreat, and Baldwin responded in the affirmative. Agarwal noted his summaries from the 2004 conference are nearly complete, and will be distributed to the Senate.


As the Provost had not yet arrived, the Board moved on to the next item in the agenda.

Old Business

Taskforce on Review of Warren Madden and his office

The Task Force will begin work in the fall and is being chaired by Roger Stover, Professor of Finance. There will also be 3 sub-groups to focus on different areas, such as Business and Finance, Facilities, and Services. The Board is asked to send any nominations for the Task Force membership to Agarwal.

B. Handbook Update

Reorganization Policy

The approved reorganization policy has been reformatted and is part of the handbook

NTE Appointment and Review Policy

While this section is already in the handbook (under Appointments), it has been determined that some sections such as evaluations and reappointments need to be moved. There may also need to be expansion of the text in those areas. When finalized, the drafts will be sent to the Governance Council for review.

Reorganization of Industrial Education and Technology with Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

The Task Force, consisting of Claudia Baldwin (chair), Max Wortman, Clark Ford, and Jack Girton, submitted their report and it has gone to the Board of Regents. The reorganization will occur on July 1, but Baldwin noted the need for continued monitoring of resource issues. Palermo moved, Girton seconded, to accept and approve the report. MOTION PASSED.

New Business

A. Renaming the 2002 Faculty Handbook to 2004 Faculty Handbook

Agarwal requested the Board consider renaming the current handbook. The Board then discussed the impact of the handbook's being available electronically, and how this impacts on the change implemented during an academic year. Shouldn't there just be a standing decision to change the date on an academic year basis? There will also discussion related to the need for a yearly summary from the Handbook Committee, related to changes and revisions. Palermo noted the handbook is documentation of the “working path towards perfection.”

Girton moved, Yang seconded a motion to accept the most recent version of the handbook. MOTION PASSED.

The Board agreed that the Handbook should be named the Faculty Handbook, with edition dates and the creation of a year-end summary. Based on the group's discussion, Girton will take this issue to the Handbook Committee for procedural recommendations.

Conflict of Interest- V. Allen

The Board discussed the conflict of interest issue raised by Professor Allen, English. There are differing ideas related to the concept, and the group discussed the need for fundamental principles and better wording. There is a need for understanding from the Provost and the Faculty Senate President, as final arbiters in these matters. The current disclaimer sheet is more procedural/operation, while the wording in the Faculty Handbook is purposely vague. The Handbook Committee will work on this issue and will return with draft language, based on current policy.

NTE Faculty Voting Rights


Agarwal raised the issue of enfranchisement of NTE faculty in regards to voting rights. According to the Faculty Handbook, NTE faculties are to participate in governance. A number of issues are not clear in regards to their voting in hiring decisions, evaluations, and their meeting participation.

Carlson noted that Departments determine these issues, and the real question is whether any differential treatment is at odds with the Faculty Handbook. There is a reliance on the Departments and their Colleges to articulate the policies in regards to NTE participation. Palermo asked if these documents were submitted to the Provost by Colleges and Departments, and the answer was yes. Girton commented that Departments and Colleges should be reminded to clearly state NTE's participation levels. The Board agreed these decisions should be left up to the Departments.

Use of Personal Vehicle for Official Business—mileage compensation rate

A faculty member had requested the Faculty Senate examine this issue. There was a discussion as to whether this is the responsibility of the Senate, or falls under the purview of the Vice President for Business and Finance, or the Board of Regents. The Provost responded yes, but Palermo noted that the Faculty Senate does have oversight of basic welfare policies for faculty.

Girton suggested that Welfare and Benefits (RPA) take a look and make recommendations. It was also recommended that all financial aspects in the Faculty Handbook, including meals, changes in rank, and salary increments, also be examined. Carlson also recommended discussing this with Vice President Madden.

Cultivating Democracy

Palermo announced a new academic theme for undergraduates during the upcoming year, “Cultivating Democracy.” 25 faculty members from the Colleges provide oversight, and the theme will also be incorporated into Destination ISU and ISUComm, as part of the curriculum. The World Affairs Institute will also be a partner. Palermo asked if the Faculty Senate website should provide some kind of link to the theme.

After brief discussion, Vrchota suggested a website be developed specifically for “Cultivating Democracy,” with it noted as being endorsed by the Faculty Senate. She also felt it was important to communicate this curriculum development to the faculty. Zanish-Belcher suggested a presentation at an upcoming Faculty Senate meeting would be helpful.



The Provost then made several announcements. A new Dean of Engineering has been named and he will begin January 1, 2005. An Interim Dean will be announced shortly.

One of the original five finalists for the Veterinary Medicine Dean position is being interviewed.

The strategic planning process is making progress.

There are a lot of changes happening with the Board of Regents, and he would like to report on this in more detail at a future meeting.

Finally, he thanked the Task Force on the upcoming Reorganization, specifically C. Baldwin and the Executive Board, for the quick turnaround time in submitting the final report.

VII. Summer Retreat (August 11: 1-5 p.m. @ Gateway Center)

Faculty Senate Fall Picnic (August 26 @ Reiman Gardens)

Agarwal noted the upcoming events dates, and noted the July 27 Executive Board meeting would be dedicated to discussing the Summer Retreat.

(Next Meeting Discussion)

VIII. Adjournment - 5:00 p.m.

The Executive Board adjourned at 4:55 p.m.



July 27, 2004 3:10 -5:00

107 Lab of Mechanics