Faculty Senate

Academic Affairs Council Agenda
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
9:00-10:30 a.m.
107 Lab of Mechanics


I. Introduce ourselves

II. Review of committee charge and think about goals for the year.


III. How can we improve the efficiency of the AAC without compromising standards


A. I have suggested to Ken that we not invite the chairs of the two proposals we are reviewing and instead rely on him to represent the curriculum committee and their thoughts on the items. Hopefully we won’t need to do their work for them. He will send out the two documents via email. If you have major questions, it would be helpful to get them to Ken ahead of time. We hope in the future you will have the items much sooner. I don’t think we need to try to do the curriculum committees job for them.


IV. Choose a vice chair and secretary and representative to the curriculum committee.


A. Maybe we will have some volunteers?

B. I have a template for whoever will be secretary


V. From curriculum committee


A. Proposal for a MFA in Creative Writing and Environment

B. Proposal for an undergraduate minor for students in the Design College in digital media. This was approved by the Curriculum committee last April.

C. Discuss of post-audit reports

i. Ken will bring us up-to date on BOR changes that affect last years decisions

ii. Whether ISU wants to continue to require post audits for new programs since the BOR no longer requires them. What to do with the stream of new programs in process the provosts office has said the proposals can be under the old system this semester if the Colleges have approved it and the proposal will be finished this semester

VI. Future agenda items

A. Criteria for certificateswill discuss at the October meeting
B. Proposal on seed technology and business from the grad curriculum committee

VII. Next meeting October 4

VIII. Adjourn